Mapperty Cloud
Streamlined Project Management with Mapperty Cloud
What is Mapperty Cloud?
Mapperty is providing you with the web app which gives you the access to all projects, generate high quality PDF report or download a project report. With the help of mapperty web app you can access and update the project anytime, anywhere.

Features Provided By Mapperty cloud
Managing ongoing
- Check ongoing project details by clicking on the project name.
- View and edit project details directly within the web application.
Completed / Received
Project viewing
Project viewing
- Access completed project details, including various files and reports.
- View project report, exterior sketches, media files, damages with media, roof sketches, floor details, floor plans, 2D/3D floor plan models, and status of ESX file processing.
- Review room photos and videos associated with the project.
Project files
Project files
- Download project files either as a single zip file or individual files in multiple formats.
- Formats include PDF for project reports, JPEG for floor plans, exterior elevations, and roof plans, USDZ for 3D models, JPEG for room photos, MP4 for room videos, and .ESX for estimated documents.
- Enables efficient access and sharing of project data with stakeholders.
Plan your tomorrow today:
Create your to-do list
Create your to-do list
Prepare your to-do list by adding claiming details, property specifics, and
work orders. With Mapperty, save time and plan ahead for inspections,
ensuring a smooth and efficient claim process.